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    Are you renting a house? Protect your security deposit

    I have received an anonymous letter in my mailbox that I have considered interesting to share because it contents a protest. I don’t know if all of this is true or false -because of this I will keep in secret the name of the apartments-, but It is an unfortunate situation that can happens while there is people who try to make money cheating.

    The person who wrote it was living at the same apartments that I am living now, and It is said that when he moved out, he was assured that he would receive the security deposit. After two and a half months, this person had not heard from them, and finally the property manager said that the deposit had been withheld because of numerous charges. The anonymous writer assures that these charges are false and can prove it, and that other people have passed for the same situation.

    He or she is still waiting for the resolution of this and gives us four good recommendations to protect our rights. These are:

    1. Make sure that you are with the person who fills out your Move Out Report (usually the property manager). They cannot make false claims if you do so.

    2. Make sure to examine the Move Out Report carefully. Ask for a copy of it.

    3. Take pictures of every room in your apartment. Take pictures of all floors, walls, light fixtures, miniblinds, etc. You may have to go to small claims court with your pictures.

    4. Be aware that they will take pictures of your apartment after you move out. Make sure that it really is cleaned up; this will prevent them from photographing anything that might harm your case later on.

    posted by Laura R. C. @ 17:08  
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    This is a bilingual -Spanish and English- space to set free creativeness and uphold communication. It is the negation of the maxim that recommends people to be conformist and quiet: "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil". See, hear and speak with me! Laura R. C. Columbia MO (USA).
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