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    Friendship Force. Get American Culture!
    After more than one year living in the U.S., I know very well about the difficulties of making friends. I do not know why, but I arrived here with the idea that my European culture and American culture were quite similar, and just a few days were enough for me to realize what mistaken I was. Sometimes I think about the fact that despite I have watched many American movies, I have not been able to notice the society they present like something real. Thus, I could not get the differencies, and now, since I arrived here, I have a constant sensation of being inside of an American movie.

    Anyway, I accepted that the major effort to find friendship would have to come from me, and I did not wanted to give up. In consequence, I decided to create this blog and so far I can say that the experience is being good and I recommend it to everybody who is in the same situation. The blog has been the first link of a chain that I hope will continue. Eventually I made a friend, Greg L., whom I appreciate much, because of his effort for explaining me traditions, customs, politics, religion, among other issues, of this country. He likes listening to my experience and we contrast our cultures, which is an excelent way to learn without books.

    Thanks to my friend, I got to know the non-profit organization Friendship Force International, that tryies to make a change in the world in a way I always believe in: through individual relationships. As they put it on their webpage, their mission is "to promote world peace and understanding by creating an environment where individual friendships can be established across the barriers that separate people". The club of this organization in Columbia invited two friends of mine and me to a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, hosted by Marcia Walker and her mother Dorothy at her own home. It was a great occasion to know not only what most Americans do in this day, but also a little bit more about politics, volunteering, and simply how is an American house, with its decoration and collectibles.

    A experience like this makes you win in cultural understanding, thus enrichs any kind of trip. Wheather you stay here for a couple of weeks, a year, doing turism, working, or studying, I would highly recommend looking for a meeting with Friendship Force. Because you never know what you are losing until you discover it.

    Photo (from right to left, and front): Julie Sears, Greg Leonard, Marcia Walker, Álvaro Jiménez Berrocoso, Dorothy, Pat Eich, Jim Sears, and I.
    posted by Laura R. C. @ 12:00  
    • At 31/10/07 17:03, Anonymous Anónimo said…

      COmo pasa el tiempo. O pasamos nosotros, no sé. Sigo sintiendo tu voz en estas palabras.


    • At 3/3/08 07:55, Anonymous Anónimo said…

      No siempre es facil hacer amigos, pero normalmente encuentras a gente muy similar a ti en cualquier parte del mundo.

      It´s no so easy makin friends as people think, but u meet people everywhere with the same beliefs than u!

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    This is a bilingual -Spanish and English- space to set free creativeness and uphold communication. It is the negation of the maxim that recommends people to be conformist and quiet: "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil". See, hear and speak with me! Laura R. C. Columbia MO (USA).
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