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    You are beautiful

    Uploaded to GoFish by JTwhoo!
    posted by Laura R. C. @ 11:16  
    • At 19/6/06 21:41, Blogger Renée said…

      esta muy buena tu pagina... el diseño y todo...
      te felicito
      gracias por visitar mi blog
      y si
      ese poema...
      es un
      pseudo odio
      contra mi amigo poeta
      felipe =)
      nos leemos

    • At 4/7/06 13:17, Blogger Clyde Bentley said…

      I could not get the video to work.

      Clyde, MyMissourian

    • At 10/7/06 14:30, Blogger Laura R. C. said…

      Hi, Clyde, I hope you had been able to see the video. I have tried it in other computers and it works, I don't know what could be the problem. Thanks to write!

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    Quién es Yo?

    This is a bilingual -Spanish and English- space to set free creativeness and uphold communication. It is the negation of the maxim that recommends people to be conformist and quiet: "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil". See, hear and speak with me! Laura R. C. Columbia MO (USA).
    Para curiosos/Glance at

    mirada objetivada
    el bolso de Poppins
    salgamos a pasear
    interesting columbia